Broom Hockey is a fun and exciting game that can be played with a large or small group. The game is similar to hockey but with tennis shoes, brooms, and a ball. It’s simple… maneuver the ball with a special broom across the ice into the net to score a goal. We provide the ice, nets, brooms, and the ball. All you have to do is bring you, your group, and your iPod to play your favorite tunes. No prior ice skating experience is required in order to play Broomball. Call today!
Please dress in warm clothing. Tennis shoes are required and we recommend that you bring gloves, knee pads, and bicycle helmets if you have them.
We can split the ice into two separate fields so that you can have two games going at the same time! You can place 40 people in each field and have two teams of 20 playing against each other. To personalize your experience even further, just simply bring in your iPod to jam out to your favorite tunes that sync up with our lights overhead!
Broom Hockey Price – $395/hour
Check Available Ice Times